So Long
It has been so long since my last blog post. I feel sorry just putting up something so simple. So I will fill you in on what has happened since my last post.
I have been going to Edmonds Community College for my Computer Information Systems Associates of Technical Arts Degree. This has mostly been fun with a few hiccups like well not getting an adviser so missed 2 classes I need for my degree. it will be available next year in the spring quarter but that’s still a long ways out. Favorite Teach in Edmonds so far has been Marty Baker she was teaching CIS 225 which was Security on Web Servers with IIS 6.0 and she totally saw that I already knew my stuff and let me help with the whole class there was a teachers assistant in the class but he was more like just taking the class for the needed credit.
One of the hardest parts for me is when you get a teacher that fundamentally does not know how to write anything or proof read it before handing it out to our class. This is a computer class and we are being taught how to do command line functions on a whiteboard. Its not like we don’t have a projector in the class that is fully functional. alright I am done ranting. Math Class has been awesome we have a teacher that has been out of college for about 5 years it makes it so much easier to relate things when the classes he took in college are still fresh in his memory.
That’s About all for today’s post hope you have a good day